School Council
At Robinsfield we are proud of the role our School Council play within school. As representatives, they meet every fortnight to discuss a wide range of subjects that effect the children. Recently the school council have played a crucial role in developing and implementing the new Robinsfield George Eliot Federation mission and vision statements.
This year we will be working on a wide range of projects. Our school council are keen to focus on environmental issues and are in the process of coming up with ways to improve air quality around school, including asking as many children as possible to walk, cycle or scoot to school.
Our school councillors are chosen every year through a secret whole school ballot where children vote for who they think would be the best school councillor. Applicants in Year 2 had to put together a manifesto and speech, detailing what they thought they could bring to the role.
Our School Councillors this year are:
Puffins -
Hummingbird -
Flamingo -
Starling -
Osprey -
Raven -