Robinsfield Infant School

Every child will embrace challenge, achieve their very best and become a learner for life

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Forest School

“The best classroom and the richest cupboard is roofed only by the sky” Margaret McMillan (1925)


Forest School is a long term outdoor programme of activities delivered by trained practitioners within a natural environment, whatever the weather! Our programme will be tailored to meet the needs of the children as they grow in confidence, skills and understanding. The ethos of Forest School allows learners the time and space to develop skills, interests and understanding through practical, hands-on experiences.


At Robinsfield we run Forest School weekly, taking children to the Forest School site located in a hidden section of the playground. All children in Reception get an opportunity to spend 5 consecutive weeks taking part in Forest School sessions over the school year,


Children should bring wellington boots, thick socks (as wellies are not that warm), a spare set of clothes such as a long-sleeved top, trousers, a warm layer (eg a jumper/fleece top) and a hat/gloves for the winter months – or a sunhat and sun cream for the warmer weather. They should also have a spare set of socks as their feet always seem to get muddy – even with wellington boots! We supply a waterproof jacket and dungarees.

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  • Robinsfield Infant School
  • Ordnance Hill, London
  • NW8 6PX
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