Robinsfield Infant School

Every child will embrace challenge, achieve their very best and become a learner for life

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Lunch Menus

At Robinsfield we actively promote healthy lifestyles and a key part of our work in this is ensuring that all pupils have a healthy and nutritious lunch.


Our school lunches are prepared daily on site in line with all government recommendations. Accent Catering is our school lunch provider. 


More information about Accent Catering can be found below:

We encourage parents to take up the offer of our hot school lunches. All pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a free school meal. This is part of a government initiative called ‘Universal Free School Meals’.


Some pupils may be entitled to free school meals. You can check your eligibility of free school meals using the following link: We encourage parents to check their eligibility for free school meals even if your child is still in EYFS and KS1.

If you decide that your child will not have a hot school lunch, please send your child into school with a healthy packed lunch. Please give the school office two weeks’ notice of your intention to change your child’s meal plan. Any change must be for at least half a term.


Healthy Food Policy

The Robinsfield George Eliot Federation works in partnership with Healthy Schools London and has achieved bronze, silver and gold awards as part of this scheme. This policy is designed to ensure all food consumed on the premises promotes a healthy lifestyle.


All pupils who bring a packed lunch must ensure that what they bring is in line with the school’s Healthy Food Policy.

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  • Robinsfield Infant School
  • Ordnance Hill, London
  • NW8 6PX
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