Robinsfield Infant School

Every child will embrace challenge, achieve their very best and become a learner for life

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PE and Sport Premium

Please read the information below which gives details of our PE and Sport Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.


PE Premium at Robinsfield

At Robinsfield Infant School PE and Sport play a very important role. We believe that taking part in physical activity not only keeps children fit and healthy but also contributes to their holistic development.

We encourage everyone to be physically active, whether this involves walking, scooting or cycling to school, getting active at play times or taking part in sporting clubs after school. We are proud of our achievements and hold a Gold Accreditation for Healthy Schools London.


In 2022/2023 we are using our PE Premium (of £14,224*) to:

  • Providing activities to support targeted pupils with acquiring the necessary skills in team sports through break time club - £589*
  • Increase PSED opportunities through the introduction of an after school sports club -
  • Give all children across the school access to specialist PE teaching to further develop their skills and knowledge in PE - £8740*
  • Increase pupil engagement through the purchase of high quality resources - £2500*
  • Further promote competitive team games and allow for pupils to attend sports competitions across the local authority - £2395*

*estimated figure



In 2021/2022 we used our PE Premium (of £14,224) to:

  • Ensure all new teachers were given the opportunity to work alongside a specialist PE teacher to support high quality PE teaching and learning.
  • Give children opportunities to build their cultural capital within P.E through trips and internal visitors (e.g. Lords and Bikeability).
  • Give all children access to daily specialist sports provision at lunch times.
  • Support the newly appointed Federation PE lead in implementing and monitoring a high quality PE curriculum.


Impacts of PE Premium in 2021/2022:

  • All teachers had the opportunity to work alongside specialist PE teacher and external PE coaches to improve their delivery of PE teaching and learning. From monitoring, all PE sessions had a clear learning objective, were well resourced and included a range of inclusive teaching strategies.
  • Specialist coaches from Lord’s and Bikeability worked alongside teaching teams to further enhance our curriculum offer. Although this was successful, it did not increase cultural capital. Therefore, during 22-23, we will look to explore further sporting opportunities to build cultural capital.
  • Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 all had access to sporting activities during their lunch break. Groups were targeted to develop teamwork and sportsmanship so that this could be applied during their PE sessions. There was an increase in girls’ participation in Y2.
  • Federation PE lead was supported and implemented a high quality PE curriculum which included key progression and opportunities to build on prior learning over the long and short term.



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  • Robinsfield Infant School
  • Ordnance Hill, London
  • NW8 6PX
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